Who We Are


We are a coalition of youth climate organizers and activists from across California uniting to DEMAND that Governor Gavin Newsom chooses our future over the fossil fuel industry.



The Problem

 The problem is clear: California is already experiencing the horror of the climate emergency with more severe wildfires, droughts, heatwaves, and worse yet to come. This is driven by extracting and burning fossil fuels. Meanwhile, California’s frontline communities are the first and hardest hit by health harms associated with oil drilling near their homes.

California’s politicians have called themselves climate champions while acting in the interest of the fossil fuel executives and oil barons, and neglecting our most vulnerable communities in the process. Since taking office in 2018, Governor Newsom has approved over 10,000 fossil fuel permits.

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This is not fine.

But more recently, we’ve started to win. Permitting for new oil wells hit historic lows in 2022, the Governor finally announced a setback distance of 3200ft between oil drilling and neighborhoods, helped pass these protections through the legislature, and he has started speaking out against Big Oil’s greed.

Although Governor Newsom has begun proposing climate action that will reduce California’s dependence on fossil fuels, California must move faster to transition away from fossil fuels and towards a fairer, healthier energy system that works for everyone.

Gov. Newsom must address the situation with the urgency the climate crisis demands, and prioritize frontline communities in the process. If we don’t phase out fossil fuel production and end new new fossil fuel permitting through a rapid and just transition, our generation will be the ones to pay the price.



Our Vision

We envision a world where every child can breathe clean air, where a community’s health and well-being are not threatened by harmful oil and gas operations, and where we can all thrive together in a fair and sustainable society. We are committed to supporting frontline communities as we work towards making this vision our reality.

Our primary target in this struggle for climate and environmental justice is California Governor Newsom. We are committed to moving Governor Newsom towards rapid and equitable climate solutions through public pressure, creative actions, direct advocacy, and organizing young people in schools and campuses across California.

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Our Demands

APPROVING new fossil fuel permits.

ALL existing fossil fuel production through a fair and just transition.

Out strong 3200 ft Health and Safety setbacks between neighborhoods and new and existing oil and gas wells.



Our Goals

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Support the roll out of strong 3200 ft buffer zones between communities and new and existing fossil fuel wells.

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End permitting for any new fossil fuel projects.

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Get elected officials to lead on climate.

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Phase out all fossil fuel operations in California through a just transition that prioritizes frontline communities.

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Get Involved!


Our climate and our communities cannot wait! Unfortunately, time is not on our side, and we all need to be allies if we want to win this fight. YOU could be one of those allies.

Join the CA Youth Vs Big Oil team by filling out the form linked on the button below. You can also quickly and easily make your voice heard with limited capacity by sending emails and signing petitions.

If you are interested in joining the coordination team, we will reach out to you via email to schedule a brief interview and onboarding meeting. We will also make ourselves available to answer any questions you may have.

Thank you for being part of the solution!

The Governor needs to address the climate crisis with the urgency it deserves.
Let’s hold him accountable

As the world fights the COVID-19 pandemic, youth continue to act on another critical, life-threatening crisis: climate change. Throughout the pandemic, youth across California have gathered virtually to connect, share resources, and build POWER as we take on California’s fossil fuel industry. We are excited to launch new campaigns that will target elected officials in person. 

Join California’s youth climate leaders as we DEMAND that Governor Newsom tackle the climate crisis through a rapid and just transition.